View Full Version : Want: Sussed Mod Magazine: Issues 1 & 2

Ian Townsend
23-09-2012, 02:17 PM
If anyone has spares of either of these?


Col Wolfe
23-09-2012, 03:52 PM
I think I have most of these in storage. The first mod publication to take the step up from trad fanzine style I'd say.

Col Wolfe
24-09-2012, 05:00 PM
Oh, did you mean the 90s South Coast one or the current Irish one?

Ian Townsend
09-10-2012, 04:41 AM
Sorry Col, only just saw this. It's the current Irish one that's only got as far as two issues so far ( I think?).
Let me know if you have issues of the mid 90s ones though?

Ian Townsend
27-10-2012, 11:35 AM
Just got Issue 1 of the mid-90s Sussed for the princely sum of £2.20. Came out February 1996 and has some interesting bits and bobs about the Easy Listening Scene of the day and other fanzines.

All good! Cheers for the inadvertent heads-up Col!

emperor tomato ketchup
31-10-2012, 02:23 PM
I know a man who could sell them to you. I gave my copy of issue 1 away to someone but they may not be too bothered. They might send it to you for postage.

Ian Townsend
02-11-2012, 06:54 PM
Could you ask him if they're available please M***? I'm not chasing freebies.....very happy to pay face value of the mags and the postage.


PS: your latest Waxidermy CD is awesome, though I haven't got beyond the first ten tracks yet....keep
Flicking it back. LOVE that second track that keeps pitching up and getting faster and faster...also the QPR Supporters Support Us track......weird or what? I wonder if Rodney Marsh knows his name is chanted mantra- like! :D

emperor tomato ketchup
05-11-2012, 12:00 PM
Him is a she.


Ian Townsend
06-11-2012, 08:11 PM
I know a man who could sell them to you. I gave my copy of issue 1 away to someone but they may not be too bothered. They might send it to you for postage.

Him is a she.

Now I'm genuinely confused!
Pm me if she / he has them?

emperor tomato ketchup
08-11-2012, 03:28 PM
Now I'm genuinely confused!
Pm me if she / he has them?

My ladyboy friend has issue 1 and is not too bothered on keeping it. I can go to a shop and buy number 2 and send it to you for €€€€ PM me your address and I'll sort you out.

Sorry for confusion. Mad busy.